New Weekly update from Invisible Sun LED

Hi Everyone, 

We have decided to start a new feature on our news and blog page where we will give you a weekly update on what's going on in our world, everything from discounted items to stock arrival dates and new products.  So without further ado I'll get started.

1: Stock up date

We our currently fully stocked except for the XL / Triple Heatsinks, these are expected to arrive within 2 weeks, a small word of warning pre orders have been stacking up and its likely they will sell out before they arrive, if you wish to pre order an  ISH265 xl or ISH360 then email us at to arrange this.

Additionally we now have ISH265 pro and type R options back in stock, along with our ever popular ISH530 XL and type R options back in stock too. 

2: Offers and discounts

You may have noticed and missed our recent Halloween discount on the ISH240-H. Do not despair though! there is always an offer to be found and currently you can grab yourself an ISH320 DIY rig for just £304.95. not bad for a 324w system at less than a pound a watt. 

Additionally you have likely noticed our new range of R strips kits, the ISH3R, 4R and soon to come 4R XL, 5R and 6R options will all additionally have an opening offer on them. Currently you can grab an ISH3R and 4R for a reduced introductory price. 

3: New products 

As mentioned above and viewable on the site are our new, ISH R Range fixtures. 
The R range fixtures are powered by Invisible Sun R strips which utilise Samsung's latest offering the LM301H, coupled with deep and far red LH351H. 
As well as the 3R and 4R this week will see the release of our 4R XL, 5R and 6R variants.  These ultra efficient offerings also offer perfect distribution of light which works especially well for SCROG and SOG. For further information on our R Strip Range please email us at

Keeping on the Red theme, we are also very excited about our new Invisible Sun  "Supplement R" flower initiator strip. The SR FI strip offers both deep red and far red on individual circuits within the strip, this gives you the option to control both wave lengths independently via the 2 dimmer options. Fine tuning your reds to your required intensity. The SR FI strip will fit directly to the custom Orange heatsinks and will supplied as a kit.
Mimic Sunsets with deep and far red. Further info including release date will be posted soon. 

And the new additions don't stop there, the ISH530 XL is due a make over and update. The new 530 XL will be released in the coming weeks, it will feature a large 4 board heatsink which is pre wired and ready to plug straight in the wall. This is our first push into the "plug n play" arena and we are very much looking forward to releasing "plug n play" versions of all our lights and these will be hitting the market close to Xmas time. 

4: Competitions 

Although there are no open competitions currently, i would take this chance to say a big congratulations to our recent winners in our Invisible Sun Lotto, we had an excellent response to the lotto and we will definitely be running another one soon. So thanks to you all who took part and keep tuned to the blog to find out when the next lotto takes place. 

5: Black Friday

Yes it is upon us soon and yes we will be participating in Black Friday this year with some offers that will no doubt peak your interest.


So as you can see lots of exciting stuff happening over here at the moment and lots to look out for too. Keep an eye on the new page for more updates and thanks for taking the time to read this post. 


Rich  / Kevin

Invisible Sun LED 



24vDeep redEmerson effectFar redInvisiblesunledIsh proIsh pro 265wIsh120Ish250w horticultural lightingIsh272rLh351hLm301bLm301hQuantum boardsQuantum boards v3R stripRetro fitSamsungSamsung lm301bSamsung lm561cSphere testUk quantum boardsV2 quantum boardV3