Why does the Evo have a 435nm wave instead of 450nm ?

The 435nm wave, which is in the blue-violet spectrum, has several benefits in horticulture.

These include:

Promotes vegetative growth:
The 435nm wave can stimulate vegetative growth in plants, which is essential for healthy foliage, stems, and roots. This wavelength can activate the chlorophyll in plants, which is necessary for photosynthesis and growth.
Enhances the quality of crops:
The blue-violet spectrum can improve the quality of crops by increasing the concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, and essential oils in plants. This can lead to better-tasting and more nutritious fruits and vegetables.
Increases yield:
The 435nm wave can increase the yield of crops by promoting healthy plant growth, which translates to larger fruits, more flowers, and higher crop yields.
Reduces plant stretch:
The blue-violet spectrum can prevent plant stretch or elongation, which is a common problem in indoor horticulture. By using blue-violet light, plants can grow shorter, denser, and more compact, which is ideal for indoor growers.
Improves plant immunity:
The 435nm wave can improve plant immunity by activating the production of phytochemicals that help protect plants against pests and diseases. This wavelength can also enhance the stress tolerance of plants, making them more resilient to environmental stressors such as heat and drought.
Overall, the 435nm wave has several benefits in horticulture, making it a valuable tool for growers looking to maximize the yield, quality, and health of their crops.