Why LED lights give you larger yields than HID systems
In recent years, LED grow lights have become a popular option for indoor cannabis growers. One of the main reasons for this is the significantly larger yields that can be achieved compared to traditional lighting. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon.
Firstly, it is important to understand how LED grow lights differ from traditional lighting. Traditional lighting systems, such as High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide (MH) bulbs, emit a lot of heat and a broad spectrum of light that is not always optimized for plant growth. LED grow lights, on the other hand, produce light that is specifically tailored to the photosynthetic needs of plants, without producing excessive heat.
This specific spectrum of light can result in a significant increase in yield. LEDs can produce light in a range of spectrums, including red and blue, which are crucial for plant growth. Red light helps with photosynthesis and flowering, while blue light is important for vegetative growth. By providing plants with the optimal spectrums of light, LED grow lights can boost growth and, consequently, increase yield.
Additionally, LED grow lights use less energy than traditional lighting systems. This means that indoor growers can run their grow lights for longer periods without causing a spike in their energy bills. The longer the plants receive optimal light, the more time they have to grow and mature, which can lead to larger yields.
Another factor that can contribute to larger yields under LED grow lights is their longer lifespan. LEDs can last up to 100,000 hours, which is much longer than traditional bulbs. This not only reduces the need for frequent bulb replacements but also ensures that the plants are consistently receiving the same quality of light. In comparison, traditional bulbs can degrade over time, meaning that the light they produce becomes less effective for plant growth.
Furthermore, LED grow lights can be designed with features that optimize plant growth. For example, some LED grow lights have adjustable spectrums, allowing growers to adjust the light according to the needs of their plants. Some also have built-in timers, allowing growers to automate the lighting schedule, ensuring that the plants receive the optimal amount of light each day.
In conclusion, the larger yields achieved with LED grow lights can be attributed to their specific spectrum of light, energy efficiency, longer lifespan, and advanced features. Although they may have a higher upfront cost than traditional lighting systems, the long-term benefits make them a smart investment for indoor cannabis growers looking to maximize their yields