The benefits of Far Red 730nm in flowering plants
When it comes to growing plants, light is one of the most important factors to consider. Not all light is created equal, and different wavelengths can have different effects on plant growth and development. One such wavelength that has been gaining attention in recent years is far red light, specifically at a wavelength of 730nm. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of far red 730nm light for flowering plants.
What is Far Red 730nm Light?
Far red light is part of the red light spectrum, with a wavelength that falls just beyond the visible range at 700-740nm. This type of light is often used in conjunction with red light to stimulate plant growth and development. Far red light at a wavelength of 730nm is known to have a specific effect on plants, which we will explore below.
Benefits of Far Red 730nm Light for Flowering Plants
Encourages Flowering: One of the main benefits of far red 730nm light is that it can encourage flowering in plants. This is because far red light at this wavelength can help to stimulate the production of a plant hormone called phytochrome. This hormone is involved in the regulation of the plant's life cycle, including the transition from vegetative growth to flowering. By promoting the production of phytochrome, far red light can help plants enter the flowering phase more quickly, leading to earlier and more abundant flower production.
Increases Flower Yield: In addition to encouraging flowering, far red 730nm light can also increase flower yield. This is because this type of light can enhance the efficiency of photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy. By providing plants with more far red light, they can produce more energy, leading to bigger and more abundant flowers.
Promotes Stem Growth: Far red 730nm light can also promote stem growth in plants. This is because it can activate certain plant growth regulators, such as gibberellins, which are involved in cell elongation and division. When plants receive more far red light, they can grow taller and produce more flowers, which can increase yield.
Helps Plants Cope with Stress: Finally, far red 730nm light can also help plants cope with environmental stress. This is because it can activate certain stress-response pathways in plants, which can help them to better adapt to changing environmental conditions. By providing plants with more far red light, they may be better equipped to deal with temperature fluctuations, drought, and other environmental stresses.
In conclusion, far red 730nm light can be extremely beneficial for flowering plants. By encouraging flowering, increasing flower yield, promoting stem growth, and helping plants cope with stress, this type of light can help plants grow bigger, healthier, and more abundant. If you're looking to maximize the growth potential of your flowering plants, consider adding far red 730nm light to your growing setup.