We are extremely proud

We are extremely proud to be the first company in Europe to adopt the very latest technology from SAMSUNG, the all new LM301H Evo.

Featuring a world first 435nm spike rather than the traditional 450nm, increases efficiency via higher PPE. 


As of September the following fixtures will only be available with the latest SAMSUNG LM301H EVO chip set

  • ISH150 V3 
  • ISH150 ECLIPSE conformal coated IP65
  • ISH265 V3
  • ISH265 ECLIPSE conformal coated IP65
  • ISH530 V3
  • ISH530 ECLIPSE conformal coated IP65


The V3 Range will include the new evo chipset and the new v3 660nm LH351H upgrade.

The ECLIPSE Range will go a step further by including the Evo and v3 chipset while also giving water resistance with an IP65 conformal coating and extended 5 year warranty.

The following systems will be available with the SAMSUNG LM301H EVO from the end of September. Until then these fixtures will continue to utilise the standard LM301H variant. 

  • ISH100
  • ISH320E
  • ISH650 F


Fixture test results for each fixture including updated par maps using new chip sets will be available soon. 
